Part of Redbank Communities
On-site Heritage Centre

76 Arthur Phillip Drive
North Richmond 2754

02 4760 1400

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Part of Redbank Communities
On-site Heritage Centre

76 Arthur Phillip Drive
North Richmond 2754

02 4760 1400

The Masterplan

This land is now known as Redbank. It has been designed with extensive consultation and a shared mission to meaningfully retain, reinterpret and celebrate the site’s rich stories and character within its masterplan, and to add value to the lives of future occupants through unique lifestyle amenity.

A masterplan informed by living history

The NSW Heritage Listed Site was formerly an agricultural property with one of the first examples of a working Keyline system developed by P.A. Yeomans. It was a requirement that the various features and elements of the keyline system that remained evident in the landscape needed to be considered and incorporated to meet heritage guidelines. This included dams, drains, treelines and contours.

Other important historic and cultural features such as Aboriginal artefact sites, the old Kurrajong-Richmond train line relics and important nature corridors also needed to be protected and celebrated in the plan.

One of the original keyline dams retained on site creates a beautiful outlook for homes within the Redbank community

Integration and activation opportunities

The masterplan retains the intent of the pioneering agricultural system visually, symbolically and functionally. Original keyline contours that once controlled the flow of water across the property now serve as an interconnecting series of roads, footpaths, walking trails, green spines and precinct boundaries. This opens up unique health and wellbeing opportunities for all ages and abilities.

Dams that once held rainwater diverted via drains have largely been retained in their original location. They contribute to the controlled water collection and distribution across the site, but have been made safe to today’s standards.

The masterplan has been conceived to tell the unique story of this place. The many artefacts (natural and manufactured) that can be viewed across the site form an engaging narrative that builds a sense of place and belonging for everyone.